Microfinance Programme

In line with our vision of being the leader of financial and non-financial services in Kenya and beyond, we offer two categories of loans, namely; Business Loans and Consumer Loans.


1. Nawiri Loan

The loan is designed to benefit the small and medium businesses which have been in existence for more than six months. People who can benefit from this must demonstrate their desire to improve their businesses and their livelihoods.

2. Top-Up Loan

In Neema HEEP, we appreciate the fact that a client can be servicing a loan and in a financial need. We responsibly take that challenge by our tailor made top-up designed to meet the refinancing of the business.

3. Inuka Loan

Neema HEEP believes in growth and development. We anticipate that the clients with small loans today will grow and be able to access big loans tomorrow so as to address their increased business needs.

4. Dharura Loan

This product is designed to meet emergencies both in the business and in the family. We refer to emergency as anything unforseen, unplanned, which if not attended to will adversely affect the well being of our client, either his/her business or his family.


Our definition of Consumer Loans are the loans that are not meant for direct injection into the business but will add value to the life or well being of the client and his/her business. Under this basket we have:

5. WASH Loan

We provide loans for building Improved sanitation systems, clean water filters and storage tanks.

6. MALI Loan

Mali Loan is a product meant to help our clients access small assets they have desired for a long time.
Our clients can now access both household and business assets which in business will make them more productive or make them more comfortable while at home. These may include and not limited to fridges, gas cookers, solar lamps and panels, ox-carts, tanks e.t.c. We install Solar Panels and Biogas Digesters to individual homes, schools, dispensaries and other institutions that are off grid.


The intention of this product is to enable families to meet their medical needs responsibly and affordably. Afya Njema is NOT an insurance product, but a programme aimed at saving and accessing advances to cater for your health and the health needs of your immediate family.

8. BUSARA Loan

AT Neema HEEP, part of our mandate is to break the vicious cycle of poverty and nothing breaks this cycle better as education does to our children. Our clients can access funds specifically designed to benefit their children in paying school fees.